maandag 26 april 2010

High IF

The high shortwave bands 24 and 28 MHz are difficult when using 27 MHz as IF.
I am considering to build a simple transverter to a high frequency. I can be made similar to the one described in this blog.

The 27 MHz trx transverter combo can be used as IF for the shortwave transverters.

50 MHz could be used as IF. All I need is a 23 MHz xtal, a mixer and some filters.
A preamp may be needed as well .This way I have a 50 MHz radio too.

A better option is to build a transverter to 70 MHz. Currently PA land does not have an 70 MHz Ham allocation. This may change in the future though. 70 MHz Is a better IF than 50 MHz. Besides, SAW filters are available for this frequency. Those could be used as roofing filter.

A lot of conversion is done in this concept. The SSB signal will surely degrade by those conversions. It should be possible though after all some ham radio's use 4 conversion too.